While working remotely can have plenty of benefits, if you’re looking to connect socially with your coworkers, this aspect of your career can be more of a challenge when you’re not seeing everybody at the office everyday. But if this is a priority for you, there still are ways that you can connect with those that you work with.
To help you see how this can be done, here are three tips for staying connected with coworkers while working remotely.
Turn Your Video On
For most organizations that have people working remotely, there are still a lot of video calls that take place. And while you might be more comfortable working from home in your pajamas and keeping that a secret from your boss or coworkers, turning on your video when you’re on a video call can help you and everyone else feel more connected.
Because of this fact, many companies have instituted rules about having people turn on their cameras when they are on a video call. But even if your organization doesn’t have this type of rule in place right now, turning on your own camera and encouraging your coworkers to do the same can help you feel like you’re actually seeing and interacting with people rather than just passively participating.
Plan Social Meetings Online
In addition to the video calls that you have for work purposes, you can also start to have social meetings on video as well.
In many offices where people meet physically, things like birthdays, parties, and other events allow people to get together without having to worry about work. But when you’re not physically in the office, you might not be having these types of events either. So while it can require a bit more planning and preparation, having an online social meeting or party is a great way to have people get together and remain connected.
Keep Consistent Work Hours
When an entire organization works remotely, people can essentially live anywhere in the world that they want. However, if you live somewhere far from your other coworkers, you might find that you’re not actually working at the same time of day as they are. This can make it hard for you to feel connected to them, as any communication could take hours to get a response.
To combat this, you should consider working hours that are consistent with the rest of your coworkers. While this might mean keeping weird hours at home, if you really want to have a connection with your coworkers, this is one way to do it.
If you work remotely and haven’t been able to stay as connected to your coworkers as you’d like, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you rectify this.
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